Here are a few of the of the main items accomplished to date:
- Completed a significant amount of research into the root cause of the flooding, resulting in a data model that very precisely matches actual lake observations made over the last 43 years
- Met with representatives from the WI DNR, Town of Warren, Village of Roberts, and community members to present the initial findings, and request feedback on the validity of the data model
- Successfully petitioned the DNR to hold a public hearing prior to the recertification of the Roberts wastewater treatment plant to be held on Aug 29.
- Published a detailed white paper containing the results of our research, which presents the details of the data sources used to create the data model and identifies the treatment plant as the primary contributing factor of the current flooding conditions.
- Formally declared the creation of the Friends of Twin Lakes unincorporated nonprofit association to act as a point of contact for other entities collaborating on the flooding issues.