Water levels in Twin Lakes historically vary dramatically, with the wide variation being driven mostly by rainfall. Looking back on history, there have been years where the lake levels have been high, and others where the levels are extremely low. It wasn’t until approx. spring of 2015 that a critical flood stage was reached, covering roads and driveways, and flooding basements in the Town of Warren. 2014 brought with it a nearly historic high rainfall, while 2011 – 2013 had been well below average. The subsequent years of 2015 – 2016 have also had well above average rain totals.
At the time, it seemed reasonable to assume that the extensive precipitation in 2014, and above average amounts in 2015 and 2016 were largely responsible for the rapid rise of lake water levels, and the exceeding of a critical flood stage. During the summer of 2017, after having roads flooded for two consecutive years, seeing one property become a total loss to the water, several others being significantly damaged, and even more around the lakes becoming under eminent threat, local residents got together to identify the root issues, and to try and collaborate with local officials on a long term solution. Friends of Twin Lakes was organized as a key part of this effort.